October 26, 2011

Short, Sweet, and a Bit Late

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brian Triber @ 12:26 pm

Sometimes life catches up with you, and everything else goes awry. And sometimes you just lose track of time. I guess there’s no better time for lazing than the summer. That’s the reason I’m giving for not having posted anything on the blog since mid-August. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Yeah. It has nothing to do with the fact that my writing projects have been put on hold pending completion of the new office. It has nothing to do with volunteering with a local community group and helping design a 3-D model of a park layout for the fall festival (which went off well despite impending threats of inclement weather), or working on assistant stage managing that same festival, through an hour and a half delay and yet still getting all of the performers in before the stage had to be packed up. It also had nothing to do with reviewing a fellow writer’s first two and a third novels, and writing blurbs for the jacket copy. Or helping a friend get started in designing a web page for a local nonprofit dedicated to improving literacy in our community.

No. It was none of that at all. It was just my being lazy over the summer, soaking in the sunsets and petting the neighbor’s cat, enjoying slow dinners with my partner … and yelling at the politicians on the television because they’re too obtuse to realize politics has real world implications. And working my way up to level 14 in Farmville within a week after liking it on Facebook.

Goodbye to the summer of 2011, and God speed. Back to work.
